The Host page displays the crucial information of the two hosts, such as hardware status.
Host operation
- Find button: Upon clicking the button, the host will enter the Finding Mode, which helps you locate your Synology NAS by making it beep and blink its LED.
- Power button: You may restart or shut down the host with this button.
- If you power off one of the hosts, the cluster will enter the warning status, and the auto failover feature will not be available.
Host information
- Model name: The model of the host.
- IP address: The primary IP address of the host. If there are multiple network interfaces, only the initial IP will be displayed. Please avoid accessing the host with this IP address unless necessary.
- Serial number: The serial number of the host.
- Physical memory: The size of memory installed.
- Temperature: The temperature of the system.
- Fan status: The status of the fan. If malfunctioning, the fan needs to be replaced to ensure the thermal condition of the system.
- Power status: The status of the power supply.
- Current DSM Version: The version of DSM installed on the host.