Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal

Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal provides an interface for administrators and employees to restore data to the original domain.

Access Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal

To enable Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal:

Users with admin privileges can go to Control Panel > Login Portal > Applications > Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal. Click Edit to enable and customize the login portal.

To access Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal:

  • For users with admin privileges: Go to Control Panel > Login Portal > Applications > Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal and click the link in the Alias field.
  • For users with or without admin privileges: Click Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal on the DSM main menu.

Browse Data for Restoration

To change your view role:

Select an account from the View Role drop-down menu. As an administrator, you can switch to any backup user's view to browse and restore their data.

To select a task:

Select the task you wish to restore from the Task drop-down menu.

To select a service type:

Active Backup for Google Workspace supports the backup of drives (My Drive and shared drives), mails, contacts, and calendars. Click the Service icon and select the service you wish to restore.

To view at any previous point in time:

  1. Go to the timeline at the bottom of the page.
  2. To switch between backup versions, perform either of the following actions:
    • Click the Calendar icon in the upper-left corner and select the date you wish to restore the backup version from.
    • Click the right or left arrow to switch between versions.
  3. Drag the timeline to view any backup at a previous point in time.

Restore and Export Service Data

Restore and Export Drives (My Drive and Shared Drives)

To restore a backup folder or file:

  1. Click the upper-right Service icon and select Drive.
  2. Select a file or folder and click Restore.
  3. Click Change and search for the user account to restore the data to (optional).
  4. Tick the Restore file sharing permission checkbox to restore files and folders with sharing permission (optional).
  5. Click OK to start the restoration.
  6. You can see the following information: restoration status, processed item number, source account, destination account, destination path, elapsed time, and transferred size. You can click Details in the Status field to view the restored items.

To export a backup folder:

Select a file or folder and click Export to download the selected item to the local device.

Restore and Export Mails

To search for an email via content search:

  1. Click the upper-right Service icon and select Mail.
  2. Click the magnifying glass icon in the search bar in the upper-right corner.
  3. In the drop-down window, you can filter mail data by:
    • From: Enter the sender name.
    • To: Enter the recipient name.
    • Subject: Enter the email subject.
    • Keyword: Enter a keyword to search for emails where the content or attachment contains the keyword.
    • Date: Select a start and end date to find emails created within a specific period.
    • With attachment: Tick the checkbox to search for emails with attachments.
  4. Click OK to start filtering the emails.
  5. To reset the filter, click Reset.
  6. To remove the filter, click the arrow icon in the upper-left corner, and you will be redirected to the page of all emails where no filters are applied.

To preview an email:

Double-click an email to preview the content. You can restore or export the email using the Restore/Export buttons on the top or download the attachment directly from the preview window by clicking the attachment.

To restore single or multiple emails:

  1. Select single or multiple emails.
  2. Click Restore to open the drop-down menu and choose to restore the selected emails.
  3. Click Change and search for the user account to restore the data to (optional).
  4. Click OK to start the restoration.
  5. You can see the following information: restoration status, processed item number, source account, destination account, label, elapsed time, and transferred size. You can click Details in the Status field to view the restoration log.

To restore all emails in a label:

  1. Select a mail label from the left panel.
  2. Click Restore to open the drop-down menu and choose to restore all emails in the label.
  3. Click Change and search for the user account to restore the data to (optional).
  4. Click OK to start the restoration.
  5. You can see the following information: restoration status, processed item number, source account, destination account, label, elapsed time, and transferred size. You can click Details in the Status field to view the restoration log.

To restore an account's entire mailbox:

  1. Click Restore to open the drop-down menu and choose to restore the account's entire mailbox.
  2. Click Change and search for the user account to restore the data to (optional).
  3. Select one of the following label policy:
    • Restore the missing labels and keep the current ones in Gmail: Missing labels here refer to the labels that exist in the backup version but have been removed from the current email.
    • Keep current Gmail labels: The labels that exist in the backup version but are removed after the backup run will not be restored.
  4. Click OK to start the restoration.
  5. You can see the following information: restoration status, processed item number, source account, destination account, label, label policy, elapsed time, and transferred size. You can click Details in the Status field to view the restoration log.

To export single or multiple emails:

Select single or multiple emails and click Export to download the selected emails in EML format to the local device.


  • Exporting an entire mailbox is currently not supported.
  • Exporting emails into a format other than EML is not supported. You can convert exported files to other formats using a third-party converter.

Restore and Export Contacts

To search for a contact:

  1. Click the upper-right Service icon and select Contacts.
  2. Enter a keyword in the search bar in the upper-right corner to search for target contacts.

To preview a contact:

Click the contact you wish to preview, and a panel will appear on the right side for you to view the detailed information, such as the contact's name, email, phone number, job title, address, etc.

To restore single or multiple contacts:

  1. Select single or multiple contacts and click Restore.
  2. Click Change and search for the user account to restore the data to (optional).
  3. Click OK to start the restoration.
  4. You can see the following information: restoration status, processed item number, source account, destination account, destination, elapsed time, and transferred size. You can click Details in the Status field to view the restored contacts.

To export a contact:

Select single or multiple contacts and click Export to download the selected contacts in CSV format to the local device.

Restore and Export Calendars

To search for a calendar event:

  1. Click the upper-right Service icon and select Calendar.
  2. Enter a keyword in the search bar in the upper-right corner to search for the target calendar event.

To restore single or multiple calendar events:

  1. Select single or multiple calendar events and click Restore.
  2. Click Change and search for the user account to restore the data to (optional).
  3. Click OK to start the restoration.
  4. You can see the following information: restoration status, processed item number, source account, destination account, destination, elapsed time, and transferred size. You can click Details in the Status field to view the restored calendar events.

To export a calendar event:

Select single or multiple calendar events and click Export to download the selected events in ICS format to the local device.


  • To allow specific users to access Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal, go to Control Panel > Application Privileges. Select Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal and click Edit to give permissions.
  • Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal needs to be enabled in the Active Backup for Google Workspace admin console for users to restore data by themselves.
  • Only admins have permission to change view roles.
  • To allow users without admin privileges to access Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal, the user accounts on your Synology NAS have to match the accounts on Google Workspace.
  • To enable users with Google Workspace credentials to access Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal, please join your Synology NAS to Google Secure LDAP service. You can refer to this article for detailed instructions.
  • To edit the settings of Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal; for example, to customize alias or port, go to Control Panel > Login Portal > Applications > Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal and click Edit.
  • You can only restore file sharing permissions when:
    • Both the source and destination are My Drive. The owner of the selected folder or file is the destination account.
    • Both the source and destination are shared drives.
  • If a user only has view and/or comment permission to a certain file, even when the Restore file sharing permission checkbox is ticked, he or she can only restore the file itself, not the file sharing permission.
Access Active Backup for Google Workspace Portal
Browse Data for Restoration
Restore and Export Service Data
Restore and Export Drives (My Drive and Shared Drives)
Restore and Export Mails
Restore and Export Contacts
Restore and Export Calendars