Synology Presto Automator
Powered by Synology Internet Transfer Accelerator (SITA), Synology Presto Automator is a desktop client designed to automate and manage high-speed transfer tasks between local directories and multiple Presto File Server according to set schedules.
To install Synology Presto Automator:
- Go to Download Center to download and install Synology Presto Client.
- Execute the installer with administrative privilege and tick the checkbox Synology Presto Automator (administrative permission required).
- Click the Install button (click Cancel to terminate the installation at any time).
To uninstall Synology Presto Automator:
On your Windows computer:
- Go to Start > All Programs > Uninstall Synology Presto Automator.
- Select the language for the wizard.
- Click Next to continue.
- Administrative privilege is required to install Synology Presto Automator.
- If you want to install Synology Presto Automator later, please execute the same installer with administrative privilege and follow the aforementioned steps.
- Synology Presto Automator does not support OTP (one-time password) login.
- Synology Presto Automator supports using different accounts to connect to the same Presto File Server.
Manage Basic Settings
The intuitive design of Synology Presto Automator allows you to easily view and manage the basic settings. Simply click on the upper-right corner and select the options Activity logs, Settings, Help, and About in the context menu to respectively view the activity logs, change the display language, consult the Help article, and view the version of this desktop tool.
Create Tasks
The transfer rules of a task can be customized to optimize transfer speed and better control the bandwidth.
To create a task:
- Click
on the upper-left corner and enter the IP address or DDNS name, username, and password of the target Synology Presto File Server (or click the drop-down menu to select from the saved credentials).
- Click Next.
- After Synology Presto Automator is connected to the server, configure the general settings, transfer schedules, task settings, and transfer settings:
- General Settings: Define the task name, transfer direction — from local to server (i.e., upload) or from server to local (i.e., download), and view and select local and remote directories.
- Transfer Schedule: Transfer a task on specific time and date, or after its previous automated task finishes transferring. Bandwidth and resource can be better controlled when a task is set to be transferred after its previous task. Note: Ticking the checkbox Repeat hourly transfer until allows you to check the status of the source folder every hour during the transfer process, thereby ensuring data consistency.
- Task Settings: Filter files or set transfer behaviors by doing the following:
- Filter file types: Enter and manage file extensions to prevent files with certain extensions from being transferred.
- Set transfer behaviors for downloads: Choose to keep or delete files if the selected local folders contain files that do not exist on the server.
- Set transfer behaviors after uploads: Choose to move the transferred data from your computer or move them to another local directory after successful transfer.
- Transfer Settings: Customize the transfer rules by doing the following:
- Max. concurrent transfers: Set the maximum number of files that can be concurrently transferred (only an integer between 1 and 10 is allowed).
- Transfer rate: Enable and set the maximum and minimum transfer rates for an automated transfer task. The value must be an integer between 0 and 999999, where 0 stands for no limit.
- Encryption and compression: Tick the checkbox to encrypt and/or compress an automated transfer task.
- Filename conflict policy: Select one of the following options when filename conflict occurs:
- Overwrite: Overwrite already existing files at the destination.
- Overwrite if file size is different or source is newer: The destination file will be overwritten if the destination and source file sizes are different, or if the modify time of the source file is newer.
- Skip: Ignore downloading or uploading the conflicted file.
- Rename: Transfer the conflicted file but rename it by adding a numerical number at the end of the filename.
- Click Finish to complete.
Manage Tasks
After a task is created, the server address and account are displayed on a panel. Tasks that upload or download data to or from the same server are grouped together and listed in a collapsible panel. Simply click to view and manage a task.
To edit a server:
- Hover your mouse over the server you want to edit, and click
on the upper-right corner of the panel.
- Modify the server address, username, and password in the pop-out window.
- Click Apply to save the changes, or click Remove Server to remove the server.
To edit a task:
- Select a task listed in a server panel and then click the Edit Task button. All the transfer task settings can be modified here, and all the changes are automatically memorized when switching between different tabs.
- Click Apply to save and apply the changes.
- Synology Presto Automator does not support editing tasks or servers in batches.
To delete tasks:
- Select one or multiple tasks listed in a server panel and click the Delete button (long press the Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple tasks).
- Click OK to confirm. Please note that this action cannot be undone.
To run tasks:
- Select one or multiple tasks listed in a server panel and click the Run Now button (long press the Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple tasks).
- Click OK to confirm.
To view task information:
Task information including task name, transfer status, next transfer time, source of the data, and destination folder are displayed in server panels.
- Task Name: Shows the name of a task.
- Current Status: A task is in one of the following statuses at a time:
- Successful: Data are successfully transferred on the displayed time.
- Transferring: Data are currently being transferred. Hover your mouse over the status to view the transfer speed and queue.
- Error: Data failed to be transferred, possibly due to authentication failure or nonexistent source path.
- Connecting: Synology Presto Automator is reconnecting to the server to resume the task. This status occurs when network connection is unstable or disabled.
- Never used: The dash - indicates that the task has not been executed.
- Next Transfer Time: Shows the next transfer time. A red dash - appears during the following condition:
- A task is scheduled to be transferred after its previous task has been successfully transferred; however, if the previous task has been removed, a red dash will appear, and the transfer will not be successful. When this occurs, please click Edit Task > Transfer Schedule to modify the schedule.
- Source: Indicates the source path of the data. Click Edit Task > General Settings to edit the source.
- Destination: Indicates the folder where data will be transferred to. Click Edit Task > General Settings to edit the destination folder.