Mount Virtual Drives
You can mount virtual drives to access the contents of disc images with File Station.
To mount a virtual drive:
- Select a disc image and click Tools > Mount Virtual Drive.
- Click Browse to select or create an empty destination folder on your Synology NAS for mounting the virtual drive.
- Tick Mount automatically on startup if you want your Synology NAS to mount the virtual drive on every system startup or reboot. Click Mount to continue. Now you can navigate to the destination folder where the virtual drive is mounted, and access the contents of the disc image.

Virtual drives and .iso files can only be mounted to subfolders under shared folders.
To unmount a virtual drive:
- Right-click on the destination folder where the virtual drive is mounted and select Unmount.

- Supported disc image format: ".iso" files using the ISO 9660 and UDF file system.
- The maximum number of concurrent virtual drives is 16.