Use Active Insight service for your Synology hosts

Use Active Insight service for your Synology hosts


Synology Active Insight provides system monitoring service for one or more of your Synology hosts1 registered under a Synology Account2 through a dedicated web portal and mobile app (iPhone/Android).


  1. The term "host(s)" mentioned throughout this article refers to the Synology NAS or server-based devices under proactive monitoring of the Active Insight service.
  2. The Active Insight service requires a Synology Account.
  3. For detailed features and limitations, refer to the technical specifications of Active Insight.

Before you start

  1. On your host's DSM, launch Active Insight package.
  2. Select Register Synology NAS for Active Insight service.
  3. Click Apply. A license will be automatically assigned to your host if you have sufficient available licenses.4


  1. If not, go to Active Insight web portal > Subscription to adjust your license assignment or purchase more licenses.

Active Insight web portal

In the web portal, the Overview page provides you with an overview of your hosts' operating status and abnormal events if any.

Hosts & Recent Events

Hyper Backup Statuses

Update Availability of Host

Login Events

File Events

Low-capacity Volumes

Performance Metrics

For instructions on the other pages, refer to the corresponding articles listed below:

Before you start
Active Insight web portal
Further reading