
You can modify the following advanced settings at Control Panel > Security > Advanced for DSM browsing sessions:

HTTP Compression

You can enable HTTP Compression for Synology NAS to lower the bandwidth of network traffic. This increases the speed of loading web page.

To Enable / Disable HTTP Compression

  • Check / uncheck the HTTP Compress at Control Panel > Security > Advanced.

TLS / SSL Profile Level

In TLS / SSL Profile, you can choose the security level of HTTPS encrypted connections. There are three compatibility levels available:

  • Modern compatibility - Only compatible with latest browsers and mobile devices.
  • Intermediate compatibility - Between the modern compatibility and the old backward compatibility. This is the system default value.
  • Old backward compatibility - This option is not secure but supports most of the browsers and mobile devices.

The following table demonstrates the TLS version for each compatibility level:

Compatibility TLS Version
Modern 1.3
Intermediate 1.3/1.2
Old backward 1.3/1.2/1.1/1.0

To configure TLS / SSL profile level for all services:

You can select a TLS /SSL profile level on the main page. This setting is applied to all the services that use the Default profile.

  1. Select a proper TLS / SSL profile level.
  2. Click OK.

To configure TLS / SSL profile level for a specific service:

You can change the profile level for a service based on the security requirements of the service.

  1. Click Custom Settings to show all the services and their corresponding profile level.
  2. Click the current profile level of the targeted service.
  3. Select the proper profile level from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click OK.


  • The System Default profile level will apply to the connection that is not on the service list.