Managing Channels and Conversations

You can choose to hide or show certain channels and conversations in the left sidebar and customize settings for each of them in the Channel Settings and Conversation Settings menu. Within every channel and conversation, there are many ways to sort and organize the various amounts of messages and information.

The following options are available:

  • Pinned messages
  • Files
  • URLs
  • Threads
  • Bookmarks
  • Reminders
  • Scheduled messages

Channel and Conversation Settings

You can edit various settings in Channel Settings, Conversation Settings, and Bot Conversation Settings, all of which can be found in the upper right corner of the main chat window.

To convert a conversation to a channel:

In the Notifications tab of Conversation Settings, click Convert conversation to private channel.

To change a channel name and its purpose:

In the General tab of Channel Settings, go to the Channel name and Purpose fields respectively to edit or change the channel name and its purpose.

Channel name must be unique, otherwise, an error message will occur if there is a name conflict.

To leave a channel:

In the General tab of Channel Settings, click the Leave channel button in the lower-left corner.

To archive a channel:

In the Channel Management tab of Channel Settings, click the Archive channel button.

See the following to learn more about archive:

  • Archive is only available for private channels.
  • Public channels will be archived when they are closed.
  • A private channel will be automatically archived in your archive viewer under the following circumstances:
    • When you leave a channel
    • When you are being removed from a channel
  • To view your archives, click your profile photo in the upper-right corner and select Archive Viewer.

To close a channel:

In the Channel Management tab of Channel Settings, click the Close channel button in the lower-left corner.

When a channel is closed, the messages will be automatically archived and the channel will no longer exist in Synology Chat Server. To view the archived messages, click your profile photo in the upper right corner and select Archive Viewer.

To change the notification settings of a channel:

In the Notifications tab, there are settings for both Desktop and Mobile notifications.

The following settings are available for both desktop and mobile platforms:

  • All: Chat will notify you of all the messages you have received.
  • When someone mentions me or comments on the subscribed threads: Chat will notify you when someone mentions you in a message or leaves a comment on a thread you have subscribed to. (Channel only)
  • When someone mentions me: Chat will only notify you when someone mentions you in a message. (Channel only)
  • None: Chat will not notify you of any messages.

To unsubscribe from a conversation with bot:

In the Notifications tab of Bot Conversation Settings, click the Unsubscribe button at the lower-left corner.

After you have unsubscribed to a bot, you will no longer receive any messages from it unless you re-subscribe it.

To jump from one channel/conversation to another:

Press Ctrl + K in Chat, and enter the channel you would like to jump to. When entering a name into the dialog box, an auto-complete list will display all the available channels and conversations.


You can configure your member list by clicking the Members icon within channels.

To edit the member list of a channel:

In the General tab of Channel Settings, click the Invite icon and scroll down to view all the members in the channel or use the search box to search for a specific member.

  • To add members to a channel, click the Add button and select the members you wish to add.
  • To remove members from a channel, click the Kick icon on the right side of the member name. (Private channel only)

To invite external guests to a channel:

  1. In the General tab of Channel Settings, click the Invite icon.
  2. In the Guest tab, click the Add button to start the guest invitation.
  3. A wizard will guide you on how to create a guest account.


  • The Invite and Leave features are not allowed in the General channel.
  • Only the Guest Manager can invite guests, and the Guest Manager can be assigned in Synology Chat Admin Console.
  • Guests can join private channels by invitation only.
  • Guests cannot create a conversation.
  • Before proceeding with the guest invitation, make sure you have configured the notification settings in Notification of DSM > Control Panel.

Channel and Conversation List

Channels and conversations are displayed and can be hidden from the list displayed on the left sidebar.

To hide a channel or conversation from the list:

Channels and conversations other than My Space can be hidden. This will not remove you from the channel or conversation.

  1. On the left sidebar, hover your mouse over the channel or conversation that you want to hide.
  2. Click the Hide icon on the right.

To display a channel or conversation on the list:

In the channel or conversation list, click the Add icon on the right of CHANNELS and CONVERSATIONS.

  • In the channel list, select the channels you have joined to enter them again.
  • In the conversation list, select a member you have ever chatted with to start the conversation again.


  • Conversations with the same group of members will be viewed as one conversation, meaning that the message history will be displayed when the same group of members is selected.

Sections in Channels and Conversations

Each channel and conversation contains several sections that can help you quickly sort and filter important messages.

To view pinned messages:

Click the Bulletin icon on the upper-right side of the chat window and enter the Pinned messages section. All messages that have been pinned in a channel or conversation will be listed in this section.

The following operations can be found in the Pinned messages section:

  • Click the Jump to message icon to jump back to the original message.
  • Click the More options icon to bookmark a message, remove the post, or pin a post to the top.
  • Click the Comments icon to add a comment to the message.

To view files:

Click the Bulletin icon on the upper-right side of the chat window and enter the Files section. All files that have been shared within a channel or conversation will automatically be posted to the Files section. Files in the message queue or those that appear in comments will also be displayed.

  • Two different display modes are available:
    • Select All File Types to view all files in the list view.
    • Select Images to view only image files in the thumbnail view.
  • Click the Jump to message icon to jump back to the original message.
  • Click the More options icon to bookmark the message or download the file.

To view URLs:

Click the Bulletin icon in the upper-right corner of a conversation window and go to the URL section. URLs that have been shared in a channel or conversation or have appeared in a comment will be automatically posted to this section.

To jump back to the original message, click the Jump to message icon.

To view threads:

Click the My Collections icon in the upper-right corner of a conversation window and go to the Threads section, which displays all the discussion threads you've subscribed to. The thread list is only visible to you. Different operations can be applied to different item types.

  1. Click the Jump to message icon to jump back to the original message.
  2. Click the More options icon to unsubscribe, pin, bookmark a message or download a file.

To timely notify you of all updates, a red notification indicator will appear on the My Collections icon when new comments are posted on the threads you have subscribed to.

To view bookmarks:

Click the My Collections icon in the upper-right corner of a conversation window and go to the Bookmarks section. All the bookmarked items including messages, files, and URLs are displayed here. Bookmarks are only visible to you. Different operations can be applied to different item types.

  • Click the Jump to message icon to jump back to the original message.
  • Click the More options icon to remove a bookmark or download a file.

To view reminders:

Click the My Collections icon in the upper-right corner of a conversation window and go to the Reminders section. All the set reminders are displayed here and are only visible to you.

  • Click the Jump to message icon to jump back to the original message.
  • Click the Delete icon to delete a reminder.
  • Click the scheduled date and time to edit the reminder.

To view scheduled messages:

Click the My Collections icon in the upper-right corner of a conversation window and go to the Scheduled messages section. All the scheduled messages in the queue are displayed here and are only visible to you.

  • Click the Delete icon to remove the scheduled message.
  • Click the scheduled date and time to edit the message.
Channel and Conversation Settings
Channel and Conversation List
Sections in Channels and Conversations