Getting Started
Welcome to Synology Chat. This article explains the layout of the user interface and provides a general overview.
The user interface contains three different sections:
- Top global bar: Includes the package logo, the search box, and a profile picture.
- Left sidebar: Includes the following five sections.
- Unread: Any unread messages, either channel or conversation, will appear in this list. This section only appears if you have any unread messages.
- Starred: Channels and conversations that you have starred will appear in this list. This section only appears if you have starred any channels or conversations.
- Channels: A channel is where a group of people can discuss a specific topic. There is no limit to the number of member in a channel.
- Conversations: A conversation is a private message system where you can chat with one person or a small group of people. A conversation is limited to nine members, including the creator.
- Bots: A bot is an integration feature that can send and receive messages to you through a one-on-one conversation.
- Main window: Contains messages and the Settings, the Bulletin, and My Collections sections.
- Starring a channel or conversation automatically moves it to the Starred section.
- You can hide any channel or conversation by clicking the Hide icon next to it.
Backup and Restore
You can back up Synology Chat and restore it to a previous version via Hyper Backup.
To back up Synology Chat:
- On DSM, go to Hyper Backup > Create > Data backup task to create a backup task.
- Follow the instructions provided by the Backup Wizard. Choose Synology Chat when you are prompted to select applications to back up.
- After the backup task is complete, all message history and settings in channels and conversations will be backed up.
To restore Synology Chat:
- On DSM, go to Hyper Backup > Restore > Data to restore the desired backup task.
- After the restore task is complete, all message history and settings in channels and conversations will be restored.
- Backup and restore functions are supported on DSM 6.0.2 (or later).