Getting Started

Welcome to Synology Chat. This article explains the layout of the user interface and provides a general overview.

The user interface contains three different sections:

  1. Top global bar: Includes the package logo, the search box, and a profile picture.
  2. Left sidebar: Includes the following five sections.
    • Unread: Any unread messages, either channel or conversation, will appear in this list. This section only appears if you have any unread messages.
    • Starred: Channels and conversations that you have starred will appear in this list. This section only appears if you have starred any channels or conversations.
    • Channels: A channel is where a group of people can discuss a specific topic. There is no limit to the number of member in a channel.
    • Conversations: A conversation is a private message system where you can chat with one person or a small group of people. A conversation is limited to nine members, including the creator.
    • Bots: A bot is an integration feature that can send and receive messages to you through a one-on-one conversation.
  3. Main window: Contains messages and the Settings, the Bulletin, and My Collections sections.


  • Starring a channel or conversation automatically moves it to the Starred section.
  • You can hide any channel or conversation by clicking the Hide icon next to it.

Backup and Restore

You can back up Synology Chat and restore it to a previous version via Hyper Backup.

To back up Synology Chat:

  1. On DSM, go to Hyper Backup > Create > Data backup task to create a backup task.
  2. Follow the instructions provided by the Backup Wizard. Choose Synology Chat when you are prompted to select applications to back up.
  3. After the backup task is complete, all message history and settings in channels and conversations will be backed up.

To restore Synology Chat:

  1. On DSM, go to Hyper Backup > Restore > Data to restore the desired backup task.
  2. After the restore task is complete, all message history and settings in channels and conversations will be restored.


  • Backup and restore functions are supported on DSM 6.0.2 (or later).