Creating Calendars

The default calendar where all your events are located will be in My Calendar. If you want to share your events with others, you will need to create a new calendar.

Create a calendar

  1. Click the ... icon next to CALENDAR in the right sidebar.
  2. Select Create where you will find the following two tabs:
    • General: Specify the name, write the description, designate the color, and select the notification checkboxes for your new calendar.
    • Share: Two types of sharing are available:
      • Public Share: Copy the link and share the calendar with anyone. You can also specify the permission.
      • Share to DSM User: Enter the names of DSM users or groups and share with read/edit or read-only permissions.
  3. Click Save to create your new calendar.

Import a calendar

  1. Click the ... icon next to CALENDAR in the right sidebar.
  2. Click Import and choose an import method.
    • Import an iCalendar (.ics): You can import an .ics file to a new or existing calendar.
    • Import from Google Calendar:
      1. Authorize Synology Calendar to view your Google Calendar.
      2. Select Google calendars to import.
      3. Click Import.


  • My Calendar cannot be shared or deleted.
  • When importing from Google Calendar, only due events in the past 100 days will be imported.

Configure a calendar

You can configure a calendar by clicking the dropdown icon next to your calendar. The following options are available:

  • Calendar Settings: Click to edit name, description, color, sharing, and other general settings.
  • Create Event: Click to add an event to the calendar.
  • Share: Click to edit the sharing options for the calendar.
  • Delete Calendar: Click to delete the calendar.
  • CalDAV Account: Click to check the CalDAV configurations for other client devices.
  • Export Calendar: Click to generate an .ics file.
  • Color: Click to change the color of the calendar.

You can choose how to display the calendar according to your preferences:

  • Hide all calendars
  • Show all calendars
  • Display this calendar only


  • Calendar options may vary according to sharing privileges.
  • Creating new calendars in the OTHERS section is not allowed.
  • CalDAV configurations will vary between macOS and Thunderbird.
  • CalDAV synchronization does not support QuickConnect. Please use domain name or IP instead.
  • iOS devices do not support syncing calendars with non-English account names via CalDAV.

Manage your calendars

  1. Click the ... icon > Settings next to CALENDAR in the right sidebar, or click the Profile icon > Settings in the left sidebar.
  2. Click the Calendar tab to see a list of all the calendars you have created and ones that have been shared with you.
  3. Tick the checkbox under Display to show or hide any calendars as you wish.
  4. Click the downward arrow to Export the calendar.
  5. Click the pencil icon to edit the settings of a calendar, or click the trash can icon to delete it.
  6. Click the Notification tab to edit the notification settings and disable/enable notifications.


  • My Calendar cannot be deleted or hidden.
  • Shared calendars can be hidden but cannot be deleted.
  • The share settings of calendars that were created by others cannot be edited.
  • Notifications for events you created will not be sent to you even if you have enabled email notifications.

View your calendar on other devices via CalDAV

  1. Click the dropdown icon next to your calendar.
  2. Click CalDAV Account to check your CalDAV configurations or set up CalDAV on a device.


  • Configurations may vary for different devices. Please check your device configuration before adding it.
Create a calendar
Import a calendar
Configure a calendar
Manage your calendars
View your calendar on other devices via CalDAV