Synology Chat Admin Console

If you are an administrator, you can manage configurations and messages from the Chat Admin Console.

To launch the console, go to DSM > Main Menu > Synology Chat Admin Console.

Configure general settings

In Settings, you can adjust the following configurations:


  • Allow encrypted channels
  • Allow uploads from Synology NAS: Allow sharing files from Synology NAS shared folders.
  • Allow the insertion of file links from Synology Drive: Allow sharing files from Synology Drive via links.
  • Disable Google Safe Browsing from checking URLs: Turn off warnings about unsafe websites.
  • Max upload size per file: Set a limit. "0" removes any limit.
  • Account type: Switch Chat user types.
  • Auto-add users: Automatically add users to Chat immediately upon granting application privileges. If disabled, users will be added upon sign-in.

Message modification

  • Allow users to edit or delete messages: By default, this option is enabled and allows modifications to messages Sent in the last 24 hours. You can also allow users to modify All messages.


  • Enable Auto-deletion: Set up a retention period to automatically delete old data.


  • Allow guest users: Assign a Guest Manager to manage all guest accounts.


  • Use nickname instead of username in push notifications
  • Default channel notification setting: Customize when notifications are sent.

View logs

In Log, you can Export all logs or find specific logs using the search bar.

Types of logs recorded:

  • Operation log: All user activities on Chat.
  • Audit log: All Lookup operations performed by administrators.


  • If you use the search function before clicking Export, only the logs that match your search criteria will be exported.
  • Logs have no data amount limits and can't be rotated.

Search and audit content

In Lookup, you can search and audit unencrypted messages from all users, except those in My Space.

To hide or delete messages

  1. Hover over the message.
  2. Select the hide or delete icon. To delete all messages that match the search criteria, click the delete icon next to Search Results.


  • All search and delete actions will be recorded in the Audit log.
  • Once hidden, messages will no longer appear on user devices and will only be accessible in the console. This action is irreversible.

Manage channels

In Channel Management you can hide, show, or close the following channel types:

  • System Channel: You can Hide or Show channels.
  • Public channel/Private channel: You can delete channels by clicking Close channel.
Configure general settings
View logs
Search and audit content
Manage channels